
Our dishes of Meats

  • Castellano
  • Inglés

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  • featured
    Cordon Bleu

    with chips and cheese sauce

    • Cereals with gluten
    • Egg
    • Milk and derivatives
    • Sulfites and sulfur dioxide
    • 10.00€
  • featured
    Iberian pork dam

    with French fires

    • Mustard
    • Sulfites and sulfur dioxide
    • 15.00€
  • featured
    Veal croca

    whith baked potatoes and roasted peppers

    • 12.00€
  • featured
    Pork raxo with cheese
    • Milk and derivatives
    • 9.50€
  • featured
    Grilled pork raxo
    • 8.50€
  • featured
    Chicken rolls stuffed with eggplant, bacon and cheese

    with chips and cheese sauce

    • Cereals with gluten
    • Milk and derivatives
    • 10.00€